How Does It Work?


Quick and Efficient Dumpster Rental

Rent a dumpster in four easy steps

Select your dumpster

First things first. Choose the dumpster that best accommodates your needs. We have 10 yard, 20 yard, 30 yard, and 40 yard dumpsters.


You can reserve your dumpster in a couple ways. One is by feeling out the contact form on this website. You can also click on the chat bot and have a live agent take your order. But the best way is to give us a call at (408) 497-6786 and have one of our affixed team members take your order.

Wait for dumpster delivery

We’re almost done. Just wait for the dumpster to arrive on the date set for delivery.

pick up the dumpster

And finally, we’ll pick up the dumpster when it’s ready or at the end of the seven day rental, which ever one comes first. It’s that easy.

Are You Ready?

Then you should contact us now. You can call our main line at 408-497-6786. You can also fill out the form on our “get a free quote” section, or by clicking on any rent button on this website.

Our Client Says...

These are only a few of our customer reviews, feel free to look for more of them online. We pride ourselves on treating clients with the highest quality standards.

Walter S.

San Francisco, CA

I needed a dumpster for some dirt removal and Esme and Isaac were super helpful. I received great customer service and my dumpster arrived right on time. When I found out I would need another dumpster to complete the project I called right before lunch to see if they could swap out dumpsters that same day. They showed up right after lunch hauled way the first dumpster and the second arrived shortly afterwards. Outstanding customer service! They will definitely be my go to in the future when I need material hauled away.

Dave C.

Amherst, MA

Esme was helpful talking me through the details of scheduling and payment for a 20 yd dumpster. Isaac was absolutely superb in delivering the box precisely where I wanted it to go.

TJ Zebra
Dumpsters Rentals



Get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns. We are always happy to help in any way we can to make sure your experience with us it a great one.

2033 Gateway Place, Suite 500, San Jose, CA 95110

Phone Sales: (408) 497-6786


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